Directory Listing Information

Members of the Woman’s Club of Red Bank are invited to add a business listing in our Directory. You can do-it-yourself by going to and click the ADD LISTING button (under FIND LISTINGS). Once we receive your submission we will approve it.

If you have any changes, suggestions, concerns, or problems with the directory please contact us via ATTN: Kate Rafferty DIRECTORY.

Directory Listing Fields

The following information provides some details about the fields that can be entered for your directory listing at the Woman’s Club of Red Bank. We’ve tried to make it flexible for members, members with businesses, and community partners.

  1. GENRE: Select a Business, Member Only, or Charity from the dropdown (required). If you don’t see an appropriate category or if you fit into two categories select one and we will update it for you.
  2. BUSINESS NAME: (not required)
  3. LOGO: Upload your business logo. If you need help having your logo resized please contact us.
  4. NAME: (required): This is how you will be displayed in the directory
  5. IN BRIEF: This will be displayed on the Listing EXCERPT. Write a short description – business or perhaps interests (literacy, historic preservation, partnerships, networking, or volunteering.)
  6. MORE ABOUT: This will be displayed on your page, the DETAIL Listing Page. Take time to outline more information about your business or interests mentioned above in the IN BRIEF.
  7. PHONE NUMBER: (publicly displayed) Only enter your business phone number or your personal phone number if you want it listed on your page for contact information.
  8. CONTACT EMAIL: (required) This will NOT be displayed on the page. If you want people to contact you via email, please include it in the MORE ABOUT section.
  9. BUSINESS WEBSITE ADDRESS: enter the full URL (ex: And a text link if you want to simplify it – ex:
  10. BUSINESS ADDRESS: If you don’t want to include your business address consider entering your “target geographic market” ex: Red Bank, NJ or New Jersey.
  11. EXTRA PHOTO: You can upload another photo – perhaps taken at a Woman’s Club event. Or A business graphic, or a photo about a side hustle, second gig, or charity. This will appear at the bottom of your page.
  12. SECOND GIG, SIDE HUSTLE, OR CHARITY: Describe another business or organization that you are involved in or passionate about.
  13. LINK: include the link, the URL, of your Second Gig, Side Hustle, or Charity.
  14. AT THE WOMAN’S CLUB: Describe any roles, volunteering, or interests in the Woman’s Club.
  15. LISTING IMAGE: Upload a profile photo of you to be displayed. The photo should be SQUARE, not a rectangle. If you upload a super large one, we will crop and resize it. If you upload a teeny-weeny one or a rectangle – it will look distorted or blurry. If you leave this blank we will include a “no photo” graphic. But a photo helps people remember who you are, so send one later if you don’t have one when you create the listing. 🙂

Once you’ve submitted your listing it will be sent to us to approve, i.e. confirm that you are a member. The UPDATE feature has not been enabled yet, after your listing is approved, if you want to make changes – please contact us.

Back to the DIRECTORY page.

Members… Good Luck! Contact us if you need any assistance.