Spinning Stories – Project Write Now – 6-Week Youth Classes

Spinning Stories

Date(s) - 02/13/2023
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Womans Club of Red Bank


Spinning Stories (ages 9-11)

Woman’s Club of Red Bank (164 Broad Street, Red Bank, NJ 07701)

Mondays, January 30 – March 13 (no class February 20)

4 to 5:30 p.m.

with Colleen Doogan

Do you love making up stories? Did you know that many fiction writers start with a true story and then change the details until the story takes on a life of its own? During this six-week class, we learn to write fiction that sounds real by taking a thread of truth and spinning it into something more. Exaggeration is encouraged as we invent new stories with the help of our fantastic imaginations. We write with an eye on scene, plot, character, and voice, and have a ton of fun along the way!

Register for Spinning Stories here.

hosted by Project Write Now